The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS Academic Readings Pdf with Answers


Reading Test 1
The Dover Bronze-Age Boat, The changing role of airports, IS PHOTOGRAPHY ART?.

Reading Test 2
The Flavor of Pleasure, Dawn of the robots, It’s your choice! - Or is it really?.

Reading Test 3
SECRETS OF THE SWARM, High Speed, High Rise, When conversations flow.

Reading Test 4
South Pole Adventurer, The rise of the agribots, Homer's Literary Legacy.

Reading Test 5
Trees in trouble, Whale Strandings, Science in Space?.

Reading Test 6
Why Are Finland’s Schools Successful?, Australia’s Lost Giants, The Swiffer.

Reading Test 7
The Hidden Histories of Exploration Exhibition, Fatal Attraction, WANT TO BE FRIENDS?.

Reading Test 8
The Phoenicians: an almost forgotten people, The Hollywood Film Industry, Left or right?.

the official cambridge to ielts academic readings pdf with answers - the phoenicians: an almost forgotten people, the hollywood film industry, left or right, the hidden histories of exploration exhibition, fatal attraction, want to be friends?, why are finland's schools successful, australia's lost giants, the swiffer, trees in trouble, whale strandings, science in space, south pole adventurer, the rise of agribots, homer's literary legacy, secrets of the swarm, high speed, high rise, when conversations flow, the flavor of pleasure, dawn of the robots, it's your choice - or is it really?, the dover-brone age boat, the changing role of airports, is photography art? code-box
