Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic Readings pdf with Answers

Reading Test 1
Cork, Collecting As A Hobby, What’s the purpose of gaining knowledge?
Reading Test 2
The risks agriculture faces in developing countries, The Lost City, The Benefits of being Bilingual

Reading Test 3
Flying tortoises, The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography, Music and the emotions

 Reading Test 4
The History of Glass, Bring back the big cats, UK companies need more effective boards of directors

Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test Pdf with Answers: cork, collecting as a hobby, what's the purpose of gaining knowledge?, the risks agriculture faces in developing countries, the lost city, the benefits of being bilingual, flying tortoises, the intersection of health sciences and geograph, music and the emotions, the history of glass, bring back the big cats, uk companies need more effective boards of directors code-box